15 March 2008

NY Success Story

So I just got back from a trip to NYC, where I successfully achieved my goal. I was also down for the count with time-sickness and a horrible, horrible cough (which I still have). But still, there were lots of nice things.

First of all, thank you so much Miss Mildred and SD for taking such good care of me. Besides lovely apple tea and delicious meals, it was fun seeing you. And also, talking through stuff did change my outlook - just took a few days! I wish I had been better so I could have cooked a few meals myself. And of course, I loved spending some time with the babies. The image of SD and the two little ones, all waving and saying "Bye! Bye! Bye!" as I walked out the door to catch my car to JFK is a good one, I tell you.

Also, I got some lovely yarn from my mother, with which I'm going to make a sweater from the book I got from Marieke. They treated me to a great early birthday party at Le Pain Quotidien!

This is the sweater I want to make:

Finally, I had a really nice Sunday afternoon chez TK: I actually can't imagine a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon - with a group of friends, yummy food, talking about all manner of things (knitting, malaria etc), lots of tots. If / when I come back to NYC, I hope we do that a lot more often.

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